Art Pieces of 2017 ("Proto Livastia")

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Why is it called "Proto Livastia?" Good question, hypothetical confused individual. I call the early days of Livastia by this name because it's a period of its development where I really didn't take it seriously at all, and thus a large chunk of the art from this time depicts lore and events that were retconned or don't exist anymore. For example, an MAI/Vehicle LAI used to be able to be literally anything - WWI tank, excavator, cargo ship, you name it. Now, however, with further thought and development, these concepts that were once true no longer exist in Livastia canon unless under rare and odd exception.

Proto Livastia, as a matter of fact, was actually initially created as a joke of sorts. The first MAI to ever exist, Kelly Segal, and the first proper LAI to ever exist, Lazarus Sasaki, were at one point nothing more than gag characters that I made as a silly "what if" type of thing. Aren't you glad that I started seriously thinking about the reasons for their existance in a serious manner and getting myself sucked into a multi-year running worldbuilding project? Don't answer that that's a rhetorical.

image date medium caption
12-31-2017 traditional MR PRESIDENT ARE YOU OK: First ever drawn instance of Kelly Segal in the Livastia Universe - I drew him intending for him to be a reoccurring character, but at first he was little more than, "haha the president of Livastia needs bodyguards right - robot bodyguards - what if one of them was literally just a plane am I right?? Good lord, if only I could have known the can of worms I was opening up back then. Take note of the date on this piece - familiar? This piece is actually the reason that the Mass awakening of MAI occurred on new year's eve of 1995.
12-21-2017 traditional Lazarus is Created: This is the first drawing I ever made of Lazarus. From the start, he was intended to be an incredibly large and imposing data farm, sort of monolithic in form. I didn't initially have an avatar form for him planned out, but figured later that him having a body would make him a much more personable leader. I applaud you for chekcing back on things this old in the archive so I'm gonna tell you a little secret........ When the cast of Livastian characters was still pretty limitied, I may or may not have shipped Lazarus and Kelly a little...... shhh I'm actually saying this a little early chronologically speaking since Kelly technically doesnt exist yet but I said SHHH
12-17-2017 traditional Shannon Bo Bannon...: Just a brief little comic type sketch of the character dynamics between Andrew, Shannon, and Jack. Jack was always a cynical, pessimistic type of guy with a knack for being a bit of a menace. Andrew was just a chill guy trying to get by and manage his QuIrKy roomates. Shannon was a lot more mellow of a character than she is now, being much more doglike in this era, and less of a stuck up little bastard.
12-14-2017 traditional Jack: Just another candid drawing of Jack, he only speaks in morse code and I don't actually remember what was being said in this piece, given that fact that I'm writing this 6 years after it was drawn, oh THRA-
12-10-2017 traditional Andrew, Shannon, And Jack: These three are essentially the first Livastians ever designed. Andrew, previously named "Hirmus," was a one-off character that existed with a few other extremely similar looking androids, and Shannon, the first E-20 unit, was designed to be a sort of companion and roomate for him when I was casually ocnsidering the kind of world he would live in. Jack came in a little bit later as an additional roomate, and marks my wretched descent into the exploration of inorganic robot character design.
11-17-2017 traditional Shannon Concept Art: This is it; the singular piece that started everything. Livastia Didn't have a name yet when Shannon was designed, but she was the first character I ever designed with the specific purpose to reside within this world. Andrew actually existed prior as a detached one-off character, but he was added into the world to interact with Shannon since he fit thematically. Her design throughout the years has actually remained ultimately unchanged - half because I don't see much to improve and I've grown partial to it, and half in the sense that her design is the basis by which I judge if new designs look "Livastian" enough. Livastia enjoyers if you're reading this, you need to come to the discord server and say thank you to Shannon ok [joking]