Art Pieces of 2018 ("Proto Livastia")

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Why is it called "Proto Livastia?" Good question, hypothetical confused individual. I call the early days of Livastia by this name because it's a period of its development where I really didn't take it seriously at all, and thus a large chunk of the art from this time depicts lore and events that were retconned or don't exist anymore. For example, an MAI/Vehicle LAI used to be able to be literally anything - WWI tank, excavator, cargo ship, you name it. Now, however, with further thought and development, these concepts that were once true no longer exist in Livastia canon unless under rare and odd exception.

Proto Livastia, as a matter of fact, was actually initially created as a joke of sorts. The first MAI to ever exist, Kelly Segal, and the first proper LAI to ever exist, Lazarus Sasaki, were at one point nothing more than gag characters that I made as a silly "what if" type of thing. Aren't you glad that I started seriously thinking about the reasons for their existance in a serious manner and getting myself sucked into a multi-year running worldbuilding project? Don't answer that that's a rhetorical.

piece title date medium caption
08-17-2018 traditional Kelly And Miko Being Stylish: of course I needed to draw them being fancy together
08-10-2018 thru 08-11-2018 traditional [REVISED]Roto And Zonnie Sketches: visualization sketches of some Livastian experimental jets in a dream I had that were twin brothers - They may be in need of a redesign for plausibility, but I still love them very much actually - some of their personality traits emerge later on in the brotherly journalism duo, Eadi and Ehsi. Also ROTO AND ZONNIE THATS WORSE THAN YOU THINK NOOOOOO
08-04-2018 traditional [REVISED]Asriel Shitposts: Yeah he was one of those fellas
08-04-2018 traditional [REVISED]Sona Concept: For the longest time I kinda bounced around the concept of a sona design, and whether or not I even wanted one - this little house sprite was one of many attempts to make a sona that stuck.
07-31-2018 thru 08-02-2018 traditional [REVISED]Buddy Doodles: a minor side character that I messed with for a bit that was literally just a tiny submarine - depicted with Aegeus, another background character.
07-30-2018 traditional Apollo Sketch: Drawn without a reference, can you tell
07-26-2018 traditional Stag LAI Concept: Just an LAI design that I drew, sort of inspired by the previous representative concept. This look would later go on to be tweaked again to become Etienne Page, as mentioned before.
07-17-2018 traditional Kelly And Miko Assorted Sketches: And there is nothing you can do about it! Also some sketches where you can tell I continue to struggle with perspective and scaling LMAO
07-11-2018 traditional Otto Sketch: Goodness gracious boy you don't have to be so close to the camera - the close focal length is not doing you many favors
07-10-2018 traditional Kelly Dragon: Kelly in rare form, literally. It's not often that I draw my ocs in alternate bodies, but for some reason I always come back to Kelly-Dragon. He's just extremely shaped to me.
07-09-2018 traditional Kelly Roosts Again: Omg the little baby planes,,,, , no this isn't canon that was just a fun doodle
07-09-2018 traditional Graffi Redesign Attempt: Clearly this wasn't much more than an... attempt. I think I only drew him like this once and then never again; he was supposed to maybe... roll up onto a ball? Like a pillbug?
07-07-2018 traditional Miko Fullbody Ref
07-05-2018 traditional Emcee Ref: Who'd have guessed, this was also for Art Fight 2018
07-04-2018 traditional Shannon MORE Angy: What a wretched and miserable creature.......,. so angy so often
07-02-2018 traditional Miko Sketch: Clearer fullbody sketch I made of Miko for Art Fight 2018
07-02-2018 traditional Kelly Ref Sheet: What a useful little thing! I made this for the first year I ever participated in Art Fight - and that will essentially be what most of my drawings were for throughout this July.
07-01-2018 traditional Adrik Sketch: He's just vibing. Just sitting there.
06-30-2018 traditional Tank Pack Sketches: Tiny sketch I made of additional characters for what I was then calling the "tank pack," which is the group of feral MAI ocs that I have
06-29-2018 traditional Tank Anatomy Visual: me being a baby tank nerd - cute little visual of the names for different parts of a tank