Art Pieces of 2018 ("Proto Livastia")

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Why is it called "Proto Livastia?" Good question, hypothetical confused individual. I call the early days of Livastia by this name because it's a period of its development where I really didn't take it seriously at all, and thus a large chunk of the art from this time depicts lore and events that were retconned or don't exist anymore. For example, an MAI/Vehicle LAI used to be able to be literally anything - WWI tank, excavator, cargo ship, you name it. Now, however, with further thought and development, these concepts that were once true no longer exist in Livastia canon unless under rare and odd exception.

Proto Livastia, as a matter of fact, was actually initially created as a joke of sorts. The first MAI to ever exist, Kelly Segal, and the first proper LAI to ever exist, Lazarus Sasaki, were at one point nothing more than gag characters that I made as a silly "what if" type of thing. Aren't you glad that I started seriously thinking about the reasons for their existance in a serious manner and getting myself sucked into a multi-year running worldbuilding project? Don't answer that that's a rhetorical.

piece title date medium caption
05-05-2018 traditional [REVISED]ADU-08 Aerial Detainment Unit: Man for some reason I liked designing police units, which is pretty funny given my current opinion on the matter. These guys don't really exist anymore for such reasons.
05-04-2018 traditional [REVISED]Dirtbike LAI: Just a funky guy. After this sketch and a few others I didn't actually draw motorbike LAI all too often, which is odd since they're actually one of the most common types of vehicle LAI, especially as avatars for large MAI that have trouble navigating land or urban settings.
05-02-2018 traditional Oceanic Angel: Another aquatic LAI, this one was designed to be something that was purely nice to look at in an aquarium setting.
04-29-2018 thru 04-30-2018 traditional [REVISED]Adrik/Nikita Sketches: First time I ever drew Adrik - my most redesigned character I think. After I figured that this form was unrealistic, I ended up updating him again to another unrealistic form, and then finally to a Livastia-specific tank, like Nikita.
04-29-2018 traditional [REVISED]Nikita: First drawing made of Nikita Alexeev, a feral MAI and partner of Adrik. This is one of the drawings where it's clear that I still wasn't all too serious about the technical workings of Livastia as a probable setting, since a janky little tank like this T-18 would never realistically be used in, uh, the 90s. Nikita has since been updated into a design that is a modern, Livastia-specific tank.
04-27-2018 traditional [REVISED]Kelly Meets A Mermaid: I even consulted the original sketchbook to double check this, but the Loon Button I made before actually predates all other drawings of him from what I can see? Regardless, this is the first time I ever drew Kelly and Loon interacting; their relationship actually started out with a silly idea. Something like, "what if kelly saw a boatplane for the first time and was like, 'oh my god, a mermaid!' and what if they fell in love...."
04-27-2018 traditional Janky Tank Doodle: I think the title speaks for itself. This guy is kinda scrungly.
04-25-2018 traditional Artifical Nerves: The first drawing made to conceptualize an MAI's artificial nerve sytem, whish is made up of a series of large plates covered with much smaller microswitches that detect miniscule pressure and vibrations.
04-24-2018 traditional Kelly Below Ref Updated: This ref is a lot more in line with how Kelly currently looks aside from the proportions, of course. It now shows off the lavender angel wings that he got painted to honor Miko, (Lavender was her favorite color, and it's his, as well.) and it also shows the invasion stripes he got to honor another MAI friend from the war.
04-23-2018 traditional E-20 With Handler: I mentioned in prior entries that E-20s are law enforcement units - I think this was drawn to be some kind of demo to visualize such, in tandem with a handler.
04-23-2018 traditional Siphus Hold: Just a guy holding a funny little drone. They don't have enough braincells to mind - they might beep at you though.
04-22-2018 traditional [REVISED]Kelly's Retrieval: Yeah, the part in the lore where they find out Kelly is still alive after he sat to rot in a field for six years. He's in remarkably good condition here because a had a horrid sense of metal rot in nature apparently and for plot reasons. This specific scenario may not be fully canon anymore, but later down the line I did end up redrawing this in a more accurate and now current manner. Also - notice that the excavator is not only an LAI, but it also has white optics. Neither of these things could be canon anymore; construction eqipment is now "remote controlled vessels" rather than independent AI, and the only MAI/LAI to have true white optics is Unit TG1-0001-0, Aristophanes Freling.
04-21-2018 traditional Trait List Meme: I'm not actaully sure if this trend had a formal name, but I feel like this is one of the things that kinda reeks Tumblr brainrot - which I indeed had at the time. LMAO
04-19-2018 thru 04-20-2018 traditional A collection of little button-type drawings I made of every major oc I had at the time.
04-18-2018 traditional Kelly Getting Chin Scritches: Chin scritches from his pilot Miko. Need I even say more.
04-16-2018 thru 04-17-2018 traditional Graffi: In this small little form that Graffi is in in these sketches, he was always intended to be the personification of a computer program - although, for a time, he was actually a virus rather than an assistant - not a very great virus at that, however. At this point in the world progression, he no longer had a physical body and only existed in the digital realm, but I ended up bringing back his physical form later on.
04-16-2018 traditional It's Lazarus Again: Who could have possibly ever guessed - I think this is when I started drawing him with the goal of him being a kinda chunky guy, a big fella.
04-14-2018 traditional Graffi Sword: GRAFFI SPOTTED - interestingly enough, Graffi is another character that isn't Livastian by origin, and was simply brought over from a previous world/project. This isn't even the first time I drew him in this form! It's just the first time I ever drew him with intent to be a Livastian, so here he is. Why are you holding that sword, little man - what are you fighting
04-13-2018 traditional [REVISED]Starsaff Sketches: Created to taxi around Pearson Scouts, these LAI were typically coded as kinda sassy/jerkish when I first made them. Also there was one that legally changed their name to GOD (get it because they live above the clouds, like heaven I don't know) and they were kinda like a funny streamer guy. Ultimately along with the Pearson Scouts, this type of bot functionally doesn't exist anymore due to implausibility and a prolonged lack of development.
04-11-2018 traditional Lazarus Doodle: He's just being a cute little guy again, ok?