Art Pieces of 2018 ("Proto Livastia")

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Why is it called "Proto Livastia?" Good question, hypothetical confused individual. I call the early days of Livastia by this name because it's a period of its development where I really didn't take it seriously at all, and thus a large chunk of the art from this time depicts lore and events that were retconned or don't exist anymore. For example, an MAI/Vehicle LAI used to be able to be literally anything - WWI tank, excavator, cargo ship, you name it. Now, however, with further thought and development, these concepts that were once true no longer exist in Livastia canon unless under rare and odd exception.

Proto Livastia, as a matter of fact, was actually initially created as a joke of sorts. The first MAI to ever exist, Kelly Segal, and the first proper LAI to ever exist, Lazarus Sasaki, were at one point nothing more than gag characters that I made as a silly "what if" type of thing. Aren't you glad that I started seriously thinking about the reasons for their existance in a serious manner and getting myself sucked into a multi-year running worldbuilding project? Don't answer that that's a rhetorical.

piece title date medium caption
04-11-2018 thru 04-12-2018 traditional [REVISED]Box Concept Art: This is the first drawing I ever made of an exposed MAI core - for the longest time, it was simply called a "Box," but even form the beginning, it was known that that was just a slang term for a more complex title. It would take a few years for it to be formally called an ABIP-220-1994 in its earliest rendition. Its appearance has remained ultimately the same, but what has been revised is the scale and weight. Here, you can be a human picking it up with relative ease, but in reality, it would be much, much larger and heavier than this. This is why it was originally installed into military vehicles and not any form of dedicated android body.
04-07-2018 traditional Representative Concepts: About this point is when I considered the fact that I made Lazarus a little overpowered. See, he didn't start out as just a head of the Livastian Alliance - he was functionally like... the sole leader of the world?? Not only that, but in hindsight he was extremely overzealous in the fact that he could basically communicate with anyone at any time. I finally at some point figured out that that was bad, actually, and I realized he needed to be toned wayyy down. Thus, I knocked him down a few pegs status-wise, and delegated his duties and leadership to multiple lesser but similar units. The concepts for these reps was the beginning of the broader leadership structure of the Livastian Alliance. The first concept was later modified and went on to become Etienne Page, but the second design never ended up being used.
04-06-2018 traditional Andrew And Shannon: Just the two of them walking together - I think this sketch still holds up quite well despite its age - I'd been drawing both of them pretty frequently so I had them down pretty well, stylistically speaking.
04-04-2018 traditional Lazarus Sitting / Emote Sketches: He's just sitting and being a cute little guy that is actually a building.
04-01-2018 traditional Kelly Sip: Now it is Kelly's turn to partake in some crisp, fresh pond water. Delicious.
03-31-2018 traditional E-20 Alley: A WIP that I never got around to finishing; just a bunch of E-20s being all weird and cryptic together in an alley.
03-31-2018 traditional Cessna Sip: The first time I ever drew an aircraft LAI that wasn't Kelly! Also the first time I ever visualized the fact that MAI/LAI were fuelled by water - if you ever ask yourself how that works, um... It's a sci-fi setting where their tech is more advanced then ours, how should I know? We haven't figured it out yet over here.
03-28-2018 traditional Just a concept piece of a light drone - I'm no longer sure what it's original intended purpose was at the time of drawing.
03-27-2018 traditional Kelly's Wreck Site / MAI Optic Concept: Another concept piece I made for Kelly's lore showing that he'd crashed towards the end of the war. This picture is also the first time I ever drew him or any MAI with the now hallmark optic design. Originally as shown, it was a little more complex, but I ended up simplifying it later on.
03-26-2018 traditional E-20 Hug: Omggg they're just silly puppies omg,,,, nevermind the fact that they are law enforcement officers that has nothing to do with this moment - they're just chillin right-
03-20-2018 traditional Shannon Run: Can't you see she is busy FROLICKING - also this still stands as one of my favorite drawings I've done of her.
03-12-2018 traditional Quadruped Concepts: more noodled designs that I just didn't end up doing anything with. They look kinda neat, though.
03-19-2018 traditional Kelly Respects Humans: And evidently Jack.... not so much. Apparently people who know this meme might he old now.
03-18-2018 traditional What else can I say, Shannon is just sitting there
03-17-2018 traditional First Tank Drawing: Oh yeah, this is where I started getting kinda serious about MAI. I dont even remember what type of tank they were supposed to be - look at how fucked up they look
03-13-2018 traditional Concepts for additional robot dog designs that never really stuck anywhere - I'm not sure I ever ended up drawing any like this again.
03-13-2018 traditional [REVISED]A load of Pearson Scouts (the type of drone Emcee is) being shuttled to a planet for readings, samples, and observations.
03-12-2018 traditional Aquatic LAI: various LAI that I designed for the purpose of ocean litter clean-up. First to last depicted are the Leviath drone, Siphus Drone, and Porpoise Submarine Drone. These LAI in the modern day would be considered C-Class Intelligence for their relatively rudimentary AI.
03-12-2018 traditional Shannon being playful
03-12-2018 traditional [REVISED]Asriel was originally created during the same era as Alexia, and functioned as a planetary defense system. Funnily enough, there was no ulterior motive for his construction when I first conceptualized him, he was just created "in case" any form of extraterrestrial life displayed hostility. That might sound 100% certified crazy, but this is a point in history where (albeit microscopic) life was actually found living on another distant planet - so now that the existance of life on other planets was cofirmed - hostility from the stars could never be truly out of the question.