Art Pieces of 2018 ("Proto Livastia")

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Why is it called "Proto Livastia?" Good question, hypothetical confused individual. I call the early days of Livastia by this name because it's a period of its development where I really didn't take it seriously at all, and thus a large chunk of the art from this time depicts lore and events that were retconned or don't exist anymore. For example, an MAI/Vehicle LAI used to be able to be literally anything - WWI tank, excavator, cargo ship, you name it. Now, however, with further thought and development, these concepts that were once true no longer exist in Livastia canon unless under rare and odd exception.

Proto Livastia, as a matter of fact, was actually initially created as a joke of sorts. The first MAI to ever exist, Kelly Segal, and the first proper LAI to ever exist, Lazarus Sasaki, were at one point nothing more than gag characters that I made as a silly "what if" type of thing. Aren't you glad that I started seriously thinking about the reasons for their existance in a serious manner and getting myself sucked into a multi-year running worldbuilding project? Don't answer that that's a rhetorical.

piece title date medium caption
03-11-2018 traditional [REVISED]Alexia was created as large space shuttle designed with the intent to carry people to and from the scientific moon colony founded in the 2040s. As noted by her size and build - she would remain in space, and smaller ships would dock onto her to ferry humans to and from, and she performed the heavy work of actually making the journey to and from the moon.
03-07-2018 digital [REVISED]GIF of Emcee - I liked drawing this guy since he was very very simple.
03-05-2018 traditional [REVISED]Emcee with his little manipluation arm
03-04-2018 traditional [REVISED]Conception of Emcee: the man the myth the legend - literally just a little guy. I've tried to re-implement this guy over the years, but his design is pretty nonsensical for what he is, which is supposed to be a self-sufficient drone for research of planets - kind of like NASA's Ingenuity but his design is bullshit LMAO
03-03-2018 traditional Lazarus Holding a Bicycle: One of my frends in choir class asked me to draw Lazarus riding a bike. Lazarus cannot ride a bike. Instead, he stares at it confused.
03-01-2018 traditional [CANON]About the point at which I realized that Lazarus might be a bit more approachable as a person if he actually had a person-sized body to interact with, Thus, this design was born - honestly not sure how I came up with it exactly, but I've been fairly fond of it ever since.
02-15-2018 traditional [REVISED]Object Head Jack: When I first made these drawings and showed them to some of my classmate buddies they called it weird. 15yo me was just ahead of the game and knew that object heads would be extremely swag in the future.
02-10-2018 traditional [REVISED]Jack And His Little Guys: One of Jack's little things that he did was make additional, smaller robots to screw around with. Luckily they were just robots in the traditional sense that we know of today like roombas - programming additional sentient AI in his apartment complex might be considered a little questionable, legally speaking.
02-06-2018 traditional [REVISED]Jack Killing The Meme Below: Another nonspecific Jack reaction image, I guess I liked making these
02-03-2018 traditional [REVISED]Jack Says They Deserve It: This was made as a nonspecific reaction image, if I recall correctly. Yes, Jack, they definitely deserved it.
02-02-2018 traditional [CANON]Kelly Was Kinda A Dirtbucket: Lemme tell you when Kelly was young he did NOT like the hose - washing him was like trying to bathe a cat, he was just constantly covered in grime and oil. Miko was not a fan of this since she had to cohabitate with him.
02-02-2018 traditional [CANON]Even More Shannon Drawings: Can you possibly ever believe it
01-27-2018 traditional [CANON]Kelly Doesn't Want To Recite Pi: Sometimes days at base were pretty slow for these two - optimal ways to pass the time were deemed... debatable.
01-27-2018 traditional [CANON]Kelly Loves Miko: As siblings do, yes.
01-27-2018 traditional [CANON]Miko Segal: If I recall correctly, these are the first drawings of Miko Segal, Kelly's late sister and pilot during the war. She was assigned to him since his activation, and she died with him when he crashed.
01-25-2018 traditional [CANON]Who's your god now?: Shannon, like almost all other LAI, has no complex pain receptors. Shannon is not affected by stepping on legos. Shannon is extremely powerful. This is the beginning of her descent into being a bit of an asshole.
01-24-2018 traditional I LOVE YOU BOY: That's a drawing of me. I really liked Kelly. I still really, really like Kelly. Also notice something pretty funny here - see his cartoon eyes? Since Kelly predates the concept of MAI as an established clade, I hadn't yet put thought into any special type of optics - I just knew that he needed to be able to see, so cartoony eyes it was.
01-23-2018 traditional [REVISED]Kelly Below Reference: A reference drawing for Kelly's underside - this is before I added Miko and additional friends to his lore, and thus the lavender angel wings and invasion stripes are absent in this piece.
01-11-2018 traditional Shannon Side View: A probably spontaneous sketch of Shannon chilling out, I did very much enjoy drawing her while she was new, and even now in 2023, she remains a good candidate for filling out sketch pages.
wack 01-04-2018 traditional Kelly's Crash: Mere days after I created Kelly as a comic relief character, I think I listened to some Imagine Dragons song that went really hard to 15yo me and I thought, "but what if the funny plane guy.... had a dark side." Additionally I started figuring, well shit, if this guy was made sentient in the first place, there should probably be a reason that that happened... War? Third World War? Third World War with ROBOTS? Oh yeah... It's all comin' together now...
01-01-2018 thru 01-03-2018 (possibly) traditional Kelly Concept Art: a few undated scribbles that I found in a proto sketchbook - directly behind the first drawing I made of Kelly and ahead of the crash sketch, so I can only assume this is when they were drawn. My personal favorite of the three is probably the one that reminded me that he used to roost on people like a bird. Even from the early days I liked to think that he'd love being a dad...