Art Pieces of 2019

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piece title date medium caption
10-30-2019 traditional [NONCANON]Dassault Wolfhound Concept: sadly another one of those models that never made it out of the concept phase, this one didn't really click with me
10-25-2019 traditional Swoose Goose!: One of the drawings from the era where I really liked just finding an interesting aircraft or AFV and drawing it as an MAI - which really helped with my ability to draw vehicles overall
10-19-2019 traditional WOT oc/Kelly COMPELS YOU: a few of my highschool buddies and I had a kick for a while of playing world of tanks together, and this was a kind of shitpost doodle of one of the tanks that I played as during the start / THE POWER OF GAY RIGHTS COMPELS YOU- this is based off that one person who was brandishing the crucifix at their howling beagle
10-04-2019 thru 10-07-2019 traditional Hoss Reference: another member of the tank pack - Hoss acts like an old man even though his AI is lliterally the same age as everyone else's - having an old vessel maybe does that to a guy
10-03-2019 traditional Blair's Leg: SHE'S RIGHT, TATTOOS ARE EXPENSIVE! The leg would have been a real nightmare to pay for if not for universal healthcare.
09-30-2019 thru 10-01-2019 traditional Carolus Rex/Tiny Carolean: A drawing of Comrade Thomas's livastia oc, Carolus Rex; after a particularly nasty battle, Carolus suffered significant core trauma from physical injury. This, in some wild manner, caused his memories to get mixed up, and rather than his prior state of being well versed in swedish imperial history, he was somehow directed to the conclusion that he was truly a second coming of Carolus Rex. He defected from his squadron, and recruited other MAI to his cause of PROTECTING THE HONOR OF SWEDEN - I'm writing this like five years after being introduced to him purely from memory. can you tell that I like him. Also when you look at this guy you should listen to the Carolus Rex album from Sabaton / yet again inspired by Comrade Thomas - tiny little swedish tank
09-20-2019 thru 09-24-2019 traditional You Found Me!: Even if possible, it's not at all often that aircraft MAI survive crashes. They also often get the solace that their pilots could be safe if they eject before they hit the ground - this often makes for some oddly happy wrecks when these units are recovered by MAISAR - "My pilot is okay? AND I lived too!?" As grim as that sounds, what are the odds!
09-22-2019 traditional [REVISED]MAI Optic: An old go at visualizing the anatomy of an MAI's optic, but I've since done a more detailed version.
09-15-2019 traditional It'll Be Okay: I decided to induce real sad boy hours with this one - a T-26 whose crew had no choice but to evacuate after they sustained heavy injury in battle - prequel image to Everything Stays
09-11-2019 thru 09-13-2019 traditional Everything Stays: Either a field ghost or an MAI waiting to be rescued from emergency shutdown; how can we know until someone checks on them?
09-07-2019 traditional Resting Merkava: idk I just really like their shapes. I wanna wedge myself under that turret
09-04-2019 traditional M-248 Buckner: Also called the sidewinder, these tanks get their name for their weird and fucked up ability to shoot from around corners without exposing a significant amount of their hulls.
09-02-2019 traditional Routine Maintenance: maybe she's getting her radio worked on? either way, just like a day at the dentist.
09-01-2019 traditional [REVISED]Unit-2526 Art: if that name sounds familiar, it's because this is from a scrapped version of Unit Number One. Instead of following the first MAI ever produced, it just followed a random Challenger 2 named Dyson from his first days of life. It was cute, but it felt like a lot of baseless rambling that didn't feel authentic even for a young MAI.
08-25-2019 traditional [NONCANON]Modern MAI Concepts: more designs that didn't feel particularly special or inspired enough to move along with
08-25-2019 traditional Aegeus Sketches: This guy may or may not still exist; I can't exactly do much with him since he opts to pretty much be constantly perusing the bottom of the ocean and limited contact with society. Without any humans to require food and fresh air, he can stay down there for a long time as a Typhoon Class sub.
08-21-2019 traditional [REVISED]Vera and Nikita: Refs for two of the gals of tank pack, although one is hardly developed by this point (Vera) and Nikita has gotten a design overhaul.
08-14-2019 traditional [REVISED]Nikita Drawing: if you notice above that I made another ref for her mere days later, it was because I didn't like the marker color I used here LMAO
08-08-2019 traditional Paris Portrait: a little guy!! Paris, funny enough, was actually made expressly as a muse for a rolplay I did with my friend Arty. He's a faux tank, which means that he's only a tank by virtue of his looks, but is actually completely defenseless. oops!
08-05-2019 traditional [REVISED]Vergil, Pallas, and Dakota's Avatars: I made these for - you GUESSED IT - a separate roleplay, because the three of them needed to be able to get into a human sized building. That's about the only place I ever utilized these designs.