Art Pieces of 2019

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piece title date medium caption
03-20-2019 traditional Tanks, TDs, and SPGs Banner: The banner of a new defunct article that detailed the nature of AFV MAI specifically; from a time where MAI had certain quirks that were inherent to their vessels. Now, that's not necessarily true. Aircraft, AFVs, and ships do have some characteristic quirks, but they're more a thing of causality than anyting pre-existing within their code. Thus, I didn't really see the point in having articles about specific types of MAI when that could all be covered in one article anyways.
03-20-2019 digital Kelly Party Hat: I... actually don't remember the occasion I drew this for! It's not his birthday, and I can't remember if it was anyone else's
03-19-2019 traditional Aircraft MAI Banner: This image is in the same boat as the banner above for
03-12-2019 traditional Stuart Painting: I was actually quite pleased with how this one was turning out, but I just never got around to finishing it off.
03-10-2019 traditional [REVISED]Optic Anatomy: WOAGH whats going on here, that doesn't look like it makes a terrible amoount of sense from a quick glance
03-10-2019 traditional [NONCANON]Feral MAI Camping Out: noncanon in the way that there wouldn't realistically be an MAI with a vessel this old. WWII style hulls were more common with tanks than they were with aircraft.
03-10-2019 traditional Chafee Wearing Blinders: A precursor sketch to the piece I made for the article about optic protection and obscuring.
03-09-2019 traditional You WILL Catch Blair's Hands: She's not fuckin' around! Don't even think about going after Onyx!
03-08-2019 thru 03-06-2019 traditional Snowmobile LAI Sketches: as a snowmobile enjoyer I will CONTINUE to stand by the idea that snowmobiles could be a popular vessel both as LAI, and as avatars for MAI - Also the little standalone spitfire sketch is my own '79 spitfire, you go girl!
03-04-2019 traditional WAR!: This piece was based on a song by - I think Zach Callison? going by the same name. Still very fond of this one, love the paint splatters and vivid colors.
03-02-2019 traditional Kelly Finger Guns: Not actually fully sure of what he's got going on with the hands here - back when I emphasized that the hands could be replaced with other tools. Which - they still can be - I should probably write that down somewhere prominent.
02-28-2019 traditional [NONCANON]Atom Bomb Baby: again noncanon for the reason of being an outdated vessel - also yes I know that the B-24 wasn't famous for dropping the atom bomb, I was just listening to the fallout song on loop while drawing/painting this
02-24-2019 traditional [REVISED]Small Town Street: Cute WIP, but I've since become unfathomably based in the belief that we need improved access to mixed transit capabilites, so these car-centric streets would be UNREALISTIC! solar road tiles are still a thing, but this scene would be much more lore-accurate if it was a street dedicated to pedestrian and cycling infrastructure since it's a small business area.
02-21-2019 traditional [REVISED]Random Bullshit Go!: I was clearly just bored in class when I was doing this, maybe even had a little art block
02-14-2019 thru 02-15-2019 traditional Blair And Onyx Doodles: One of these was for valentines day! Drawing them together is good for any time of years, though
02-09-2019 traditional Happy Kelly/[REVISED]Adrik With Flowers: what a joyous and handsome little gentleman - truly I love my son so much / omgg wedding attire?? I don't think he would actually let anyone put them on him but perhaps just for Nikita.....
02-08-2019 traditional Vera Bust Sketch: taaaank paaack - I need to give more attention to Vera she deserves it
02-08-2019 traditional Asriel Funnyman Doodle: now listen here young man I'm not so sure I like your tone
02-05-2019 traditional [REVISED]Nikita and Otto Sketches: I think this is one of the first sketches where I really thought I got the right personality vibes in Nikita's face - sadly she would begetting revamped in the future,,,,,, Otto's sketch however still fits him perfectly
02-04-2019 traditional [REVISED]Emotional Support Robots: revised becaise I SEE THAT ADU-08 THERE- but besides that I stil really like the concept of MAI possibly having service robots to cope with their ASFD