Art Pieces of 2023

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image/links date medium caption
11-24-2023 digital Pride Stickers/Designs: so far just concept sketches for another line of stickers I may work on - pride themed for my different ocs - after these three, at least at the moment I plan on also drawing Aristophanes, Lazarus, and a few others. Hadil and Llewellyn are from the short story 'Blind Date,' while Kelly is, well, you might be new here if you're not familiar with Kelly, but he appears in the short story 'I'm On Operation Duty.'
11-21-2023 digital Self Portrait Sketch W/ Kelly: Sometimes I really do just have to draw myself with my sweetest boy. My favorite son. My handsome little gentleman.
11-14-2023 traditional Goblincore Tank: What else can I say, on a goblincore kick at the time of drawing this, and I wanted to draw a tank with the same objectively great fashion sense as myself in my most casual state
11-11-2023 traditional how could that be: A man attempts to explain to a young MAI the intricacies of the human condition - truly, it is nigh unfathomable. Anyways it's canon that almost all LAI are inherently asexual; happy pride little buddy, ignore the fact that it's November right now.
11-09-2023 Digital Just some Shannon warmup doodles; it's always Shannon.
11-04-2023 Digital Tank Shuffle: SaDiStIc LeOpArD PlAyS wItH cAtCh LiKe A bEaSt - idk I was just strongly compelled to draw a tank messing around with a human. It's canon that some MAI and LAI, due to their psychological differences to humans, sometimes see them as... cognitively lesser, to put it gently. Not in an intentionally insulting way, a similar comparison would maybe be how we percieve octopi and cetaceans - highly intelligent, but still "awww, look at how cute they are!"
10-14-2023 thru 10-21-23 Digital Oh man, stickers! This batch was supposed to be released onto redbubble pretty much right after i finished them, and, well, they're uploaded, but apparently waiting the eternity for redbubble to approve them is a whole different story. I'm mad. can you tell that I'm mad? Writing this as of 11-03-23, I'm very tempted to just host my own sticker site and order them for shipping out myself.
10-17-2023 Traditional Rhiannon's Heavenly Birthday: Sketch I made for a concept I haven't drawn or touched upon in a while. "Throughout the history of Livastia, ever since the end of the third world war, it’s been a respected custom to hold heavenly birthdays for the wrecks of deceased MAI. In part, for the fact that these AI were born to serve in the war and died for it – having given their entire lives to a traumatic existence, many feel it right to, even if posthumously, offer various acts of respect. Also in part, due to the uncertain lives they led, many had never had formal birthdays celebrated, so heavenly birthdays are a way of sorts to repay the “debt” owed to them."
String Toy On The Shoulder 10-15-2023 Traditional Wildcard and Pokerface: Fun little sketches of an old oc of mine, Alexander "Wildcard" Jonas Rose Cunningham II don't need to say all that, it can just be Wildcard. He's an LAI that works as a mechanic at a casino, and he has a little red Burmese cat he adopted named Pokerface.
10-10-2023 Traditional Schenectady: Quick concept art for a short story that I'm lightly working on for TBFTWS - Schenectady is a Motorbike LAI with a mysterious past that travels of world in search of good times and new experiences.
10-04-2023 Traditional Big Pearly Whites!: Graffi technically knows how to smile, but if you specifically ask him to, he's probably not going to have a very easy time with it, will probably give you a look like this.
09-29-2023 Traditional F-4 Buying Flowers[WIP]: Went to the Museum of Flight once again, and while I was there, got an idea for a drawing while there was a random guy standing in front of the resident F-4. Who are they buying flowers for? It is a mystery.
Various dates Traditonal and Digital Interspersed [maybe] Barnaby Fanart Master Post: Yeah i drew Barnaby from Billie Bust Up with quite a few of my characters I was so normal about him ok - you can find nearly all of them in this post, which leads to an album.
09-26-2023 Traditional Ofeliya ft. fullbody sketch: Just a small sketch page, where I finally made a fullbody drawing of her
09-24-2023 Traditional sketch, digital color Ofeliya Color Palettes: Some drawn up colors for Ofeliya's design - I was originally only going to pick one, but I ended up enjoying all of them - besides, Livastian reps often have more than one avatar, so it actually is possible for her to be any of them.
09-24-2023 Traditional Lazarus and Ofeliya: I just think they'd get along quite well, really.
09-24-2023 Traditional All Designed Livastian Representatives Thus Far: Just an inked drawing of every representative of the Livastian Alliance that I've made a solid design for thus far. Of course, there are far more reps than this - hundreds, in fact, but these are the few that I've done at least some development for. From top to bottom, left to right, we have: Ofeliya the Russian rep, Rhett Braley the North American rep, Lazarus Sasaki the head rep, Espen the swedish rep, and Etienne Page the French rep.
09-21-2023 Traditional Moon, tell me if I could, send up my heart to you? So when I die, which I must do, could it shine down here with you? This is a sketch of Lazarus and the co-founder of CoreAegis, Miyako Sasaki, his mother in nearly every sense of the word. Due to her age when Lazarus was created, their time together was incredibly fleeting, but she still had a profound impact on his life.
09-20-2023 traditional, ballpoint pen Ofeliya Concept Art: First time I ever drew her, and me finally sort of deviating from the standard look of Livastian Representatives
09-14-2023 digital From Which No Living Return Sketch: sketch I drew out in the middle of writing a (still WIP) short story called From Which No Living Return


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