Art Pieces of 2023

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piece title date medium caption
09-09-2023 digital Despite Commander's Call: It'd been so long since I'd last drawn anything related directly to the March of the Resting Guns that I felt like doing something aobut it. Western MAI ignoring the direct orders of their commanders to not only spare the life of a damaged Eastern unit, but protect them from further harm by pulling them to safety.
09-08-2023 traditional Graffi and Lazarus: Hmm yes I've just at this point decided that Graffi is going to be Lazarus's house sprite; I'm not sure who else would have the resources and space to make a thirteen foot tall bug-robot body for their tiny house assistant. Also i think the dynamic would be funny - they are both the same building and they're both playing with little puppets together
09-06-2023 traditional Graffi's Design Update: I drew Graffi a few weeks or days prior to this, can't remember at the time of entering this piece into the archive - but it made me realize how wonky Graffi looked compared to his peers in a mechanical sense. So him being one of my most favorite and long-standing boys, I thought he deserved an update! His body leans more into the beetle inspo now, and the neck to body join isn't just some weird flat plate with a collar anymore.
09-05-2023 traditional House Sprites Various Doodles: Many doodles that got me into making the house sprite article that's on World Anvil now, including Graffi, the long necked bastard, and Boston, the little demon/angel looking guy whom are both actually reallocated OCs from previous works.
09-04-2023 traditional Boston House Sprite: Arguably I should draw some more diverse house sprites, because they're not exclusively restricted to looking like little bug guys with tv looking heads and dinosaur tails. Boston is character from a previous project which you totally don't recognize from any other media ok
09-03-2023 thru 09-01-2023 traditional Rasselas and Alanis: Two characters from a short story I wrote called Fieldwork Notes of a Combat Vet, which is about these two gals getting up to hijinks in their little rural hometown postwar. Rasselas is the Challenger 2, and Alanis is the Merkava Mk.4
08-31-2023 traditional Pallas Sketch: I just felt like doodling her, she's a charming lady ok
08-31-2023 traditional MAI Grill-Dad: frankly as of writing this in March 2024, I still want to finish this piece - you'll know if I ever get around to it, I suppose.
08-28-2023 traditional Aristophanes Logging: In between Ari's time as an active service member and his delving into the field of prosthetics, he was stuck with a pretty lousy job. Logging in and of itself isn't the worst thing ever, but besides being extremely physiically taxing, his boss was extremely disapproving of him and he was employed there during the odd space when MAI didn't have full civil rights yet. Not fun.
08-27-2023 traditional Rhett Braley Doodles: I was in the mood to draw more of this guy, big fan of his head design.
08-26-2023 traditional Miscellaneous Character Sketches: I believe this was about the time when Barnaby was finally loosening the chokehold he had on me and I was becoming capable of thinking about other things - pardon the rust.
08-03-2023 traditional Mossy Feral MAI: I actually sketched this one wile on a plane! For all the turbulence there was, it still came out pretty smooth. I was coming back from a nice vacation where my dad and I were out enjoying the state forests all week, so I was in a nature drawing mood.
07-26-2023 traditional The Horrors Persist But So Do I: Hadil's live reaction to finding out her date is a gay military jet aircraft in the short story Blind Date
07-23-2023 thru 07-22-2023 traditional sketch, digital lines and color The Blood, Fuel, and Tears We Shed: The working cover and title for what I wouuld one day like to be a physical print of Livastian short stories. Some stories so far I've already published, others are a little more secrety. Included also are some extra cover concepts, but I was really enamored with the idea of the human and MAI pupils being overlapped.
07-21-2023 traditional Hekwos: The F-235 Galewind Hekwos, from the short story I'm On Operation Duty.
07-19-2023 traditional Kelly's Favorite Arms: Kelly posing with his favorite pair of working utility arms - they let him do a variety of tasks that would normally either take two different sets of arms, or an extra person! Also one of his nursing assistants is really happy to be here - they're basically wearing equivalent forms of PPE.
07-16-2023 thru 07-13-2023 traditional Dallarosa Tank: This is a kinda funky modern gen MAI that leans into some more whimsical sci-fi elements given the fact that their main armament is a mini railgun. How is it done? Hey, don't ask me - it's from the future, we haven't figured it out yet
07-13-2023 traditional Paris is Not Having Fun: doodle related to an old roleplay type thing between a close friend and I - Paris becomes a soldier! Obviously against his will! And using culturally appropriate ribbons on his antennas, he is trying to communicate that he is NOT trying to be a threat to anyone ok please don't hurt him ok
07-11-2023 traditional Kelly in Scrubs: Really leaning into Kelly being a doctor here - his medical scrubs! He is a man of many professions - in the current year of 2074 he's practicing in pediatrics, but he kinda hops around as he pleases.
07-10-2023 traditional Hadil and Llewellyn: The main characters of the Blind Date short story - pov you turn up to your date and your friends "forgot" to tell you that she happens to be a sapient military vehicle. wyd. Actually I think I already made this joke above but I'm doing it again


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