Art Pieces of 2023

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Uhhhh deeply sorry that there's no search bar, but Ctrl + F is right there, good luck buddy

piece title date medium caption
06-19-2023 traditional Quieres?: Onyx[REVISED] and Blair. Onyx hold Blair. Blair is not thrilled in this scenario.
06-14-2023 traditional Misc Work Doodles: I'm gonna be real this first page is mostly Yes Man from Fallout: New Vegas, but also Alexander and Graffi are there so it's fine. Also Kelly! Omg hi Kelly!!
06-11-2023 traditional sketch, digital color Shadow Wizard Money Plane: he LOVES casting spells
06-10-2023 traditional Omen: Aristophanes finds the ghost and body of Guinevere, from the chapter, "Omen" of Unit Number One.
06-10-2023 traditional Get Drinked Idiot: I actually drew this on the same day that I sketched Shadow Wizard Money Plane but I don't feel like adding the WIP when the finished version is above. BONK reminder that MAI basically have a proboscis like butterflies
06-06-2023 traditional It's Pride Month, Eitenne: Yeah wait what is he supposed to do with that information, Lazarus. What do you mean.
06-03-2023 traditional [NONCANON(evidently)]Very Questionable Implications For the Livastian Alliance: They have a quite dubious guest over today, methinks - additionaly, Lazarus chillin.
05-31-2023 traditional Playing Cards Back There: Probably some active duty guys slacking off and trying to be covert about it
05-26-2023 traditional Misc Sketches: Mostly MAI, and I was apparently big on fabrics here - bonus Blair!
04-27-2023 digital Bros Fishing: Idk why I'm enthralled by the concept of MAI and LAI just fishing for the hell of it
04-24-2023 thru 04-20-2023 traditional Flowers and Frills: This one remains and likely will remain easily one of my favorite pieces I've done for Livastia. The micro lore for this piece is that these two have considered each other identical twin sisters since their early childhood, and if you disagree, the short one will beat you up. Don't need to look rough to be tough!
03-25-2023 traditional Sweater Prison: Tottie and Grace send an innoent and unsuspecting man to sweater prison for the crime of being a cute and squishy human
03-25-2023 traditional Beauregard Gal: She's got some pretty nice puffy sleeves on!
03-13-2023 traditional Schenectady Concept Sketch: Can you tell I didn't realy feel like drawing out all the little mechanical bits - I just needed a generally motorcycle shaped form for a proof of concept. His name is Schenectady and he's a travelling LAI...... with a mysterious past oooohhhhh - additionally, some design hashes just to figure out the stabilizing legs
03-09-2023 traditional Feral MAI Feeding the Wildlife: POV - you hear something in your yard in the middle of the night, walk out and there's a feral MAI stealing apples off your tree and tossing them on the ground for the local deer. Maybe you're just not famliar with feral MAI body language, but they don't look thrilled that you've interrupted their quality deer-viewing time
03-02-2023 digital Would THIS Convince You?: goddamn.... he makes a really compelling argument.....
02-19-2023 traditional ink, digital color Eadi and Ehsi at Eagle Pit: This was supposed to be supplementary art for an article concept, but at least for now I've just never gotten around to writing it, so only the visual aspect remains. Eadi and Ehsi interview a team who's job is to keep wildlife away from a body of water contaminated with copper, from a long since defunct mining operation
02-11-2023 traditional ink, digital color Plush Tank Concepts: From when I was still bright eyed and spry toward the concept of big crochet projects, I really wanted to make a tank plushie - these were the concept colors - at least for now I still haven't made one, but never say never. I fucking love tanks. obviously.
02-03-2023 traditional Onyx Sketch[REVISED]: The lesbian of the hour!
01-26-2023 thru 01-25-2023 traditional Blair Refs: Some sketches I made for ref when I planned on getting a comm of Blair - I did! And it turned out amazing - thank you, retroautomaton!


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