Art Pieces of 202X

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Uhhhh deeply sorry that there's no search bar, but Ctrl + F is right there, good luck buddy

piece title date medium caption
09-15-2024 digital Flying Ever Onward: All of these stickers are double-entendres actually, I thought I was being super clever with that LMAO
09-13-2024 digital Ace Tanker: Get it, because ace also means you're really good at something - I can only imagine that the average tank is really good at being a tank
09-13-2024 digital Ace Flyer: This is actually the first one I started sketching and the one that gave me the idea for this series - I was initially only going to do the Ace Flyer and Ace Tanker stickers since it's the canonical orientation of all MAI, but figured a few extra flags would be fun to do.
09-12-2024 digital We're Workin' On It!: By special request, I made a trans tank sticker! I figured it would be cute to play on the double-entendre of "working on it" referring to both transitioning and actual mechanical maintenance.

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