Art Pieces of 2020

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Uhhhh deeply sorry that there's no search bar, but Ctrl + F is right there, good luck buddy

piece title date medium caption
07-29-2020 traditional Beauregard Turret: Early concept sketch of the Beauregard
07-20-2020 traditional Baby Aristophanes: Freshly Activated! He does no not how to stop quite yet oh my god he doesn't know what brakes are he's only been alive for like 30 seconds someone please help-
07-11-2020 traditional Genesis Redesign 1: Felt at some point that Genesis's initial design didn't really make sense - he didn't have much of a reason to look like a plane but mini, and I wanted him to be something more obscure and reflective of his time period.
06-28-2020 traditional Happy Harrier: They're just having a splendid time!
06-22-2020 traditional Helicopter Fella: I'm not 100% sure what specific model I refereced when sketching this out, but they don't seem to mind; they're just chillin
05-24-2020 traditional Phone Calls: Lazarus's accountant Brandon understands that he's a really busy guy and can still only take so much in a day, but this call is reeeally important....
05-19-2020 traditional Merkava Sketch: not my most polished work, but he's a very charming guy in his own right
05-12-2020 traditional Loon's New Look (Redesign): VERY FUNNY STORY WITH THIS ONE - do you see it? Can you tell what's up yet? Because it took me apparently four years to notice that where the intakes join the fuselage in this pic makes literally no physical sense. How did I not catch that??? I don't worry I never made that mistake again.
05-10-2020 digital Kelly and Loon: The husbands! Finally they can be on land together at last, with Loon being redesigned into an experimental bomber rather than the Lun Class Ekranoplan. The look goes, but the name remains - now with lore tidbits!
05-06-2020 traditional Kelly and I: We are truly just lounging around. Maybe thinking about life and the universe idk nbd
04-28-2020 traditional Kelly Sketch: He's just a happy silly guy, having a fun time!
04-27-2020 traditional Pallas Sketch: She's such a dashing lady, I can never get over her
03-31-2020 traditional Lazarus Pride Flag: Lazarus says trans rights, and so does every MAI and LAI! It doesn't have to be pride month to show some love for your queer brothers and sisters
03-23-2020 traditional GOD Plays Animal Crossing: stop INTERRUPTING HIM he's trying to GO FISHING
03-22-2020 traditional Vidarr The Carolean: I mentioned him in a later entry within this year; I can repeat though that he's a pretty niche character even for Livastia, since he's based off of the ideaology of a fan character.
03-18-2020 traditional Prescott At Medyn: This one is actually a bookmark that I still use in 2024! Prescott making his way through the streets of Medyn to retrieve his injured comrades.
02-25-2020 traditional Phone Use: just a kinda silly concept of how an MAI might use a human sized phone - perhaps since the screen would be too small for their hands, they could instead plug it into themselves to operate it.
02-20-2020 traditional Dakota Ferrence Holding ME: in a weird and mildly concerned way. "What do you expect me to do with this?"
02-14-2020 traditional Valetines Helicopter: arguably a bit bland for a holiday drawing, and I've never really attempted a valentines day piece ever since
02-03-2020 digital, firealpaca Don't Be Racist, I Am A BUILDING: I kinda fumbled the formatting here because if you don't look at it soon enough it seems like lazarus is telling you to be racist instead. He would never do such a thing. He is a building. This is a reference to a youtube video by the way but I don't feel like retrieving a link.


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