Art Pieces of 2021

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Uhhhh deeply sorry that there's no search bar, but Ctrl + F is right there, good luck buddy

piece title date medium caption
12-16-2021 traditional Tired Lazarus: Aren't we all, buddy
12-11-2021 traditional Lazarus Sketches: Some warmup sketches when I made some minor tweaks to his design, if I recall correctly
12-09-2021 traditional Campsite Drawing: I think I was going to use this as a cover for an article about modern camping, but it really hasn't changed all that much, has it?
12-04-2021 digital Espen Sketches: From the time that I finally got around to designing this guy
11-27-2021 traditional Garden of Prescott: Probably the most detailed piece I've done yet - also one of those ideas that came to me in a 3AM half awake state like a divine vision. More background on Prescott Walker can be found here.
11-23-2021 digital Seasonal Etienne: This guy comes off as a real grump sometimes, but he's just not crazy about always going 100% all out for the holidays.
10-30-2021 digital [REVISED]Nikita Reference: First drawing I'd made of Nikita in her revamped hull design, but she's actually gotten a new paint job since this!
10-27-2021 digital Eadi Reference: Totally twin brother of Ehsi Adler the Dassault Cyclone, as well as his co-writer for their journalist gig
10-15-2021 traditional Jet Study: Forgive me I don't actually remember what model of jet this is LMAO - I just wanted to work on my symmetry
10-15-2021 traditional Ehsi but VENGEFUL!! / And Doodle: What is he so vengeful about?? Eadi borrowed his favorite pair of utility arm sleeves and stretched them out idk
10-02-2021 digital Railworker Android: Idk he's just sitting there, what else do you want me to say
09-23-2021 traditional Orchard Helper: Drawing I made for the world anvil Utility Arms article
09-21-2021 digital Sweater Thief: Sketch from what was a very elaborate and literate rp I did with one of my buddies a while back. Rhett breaks into Lazarus's place and STEALS his sweater OFF his body to assert his dominance over the Christmas holiday
09-21-2021 digtial Dakota and Sleipnir: Sleipnir Williams is one of Dakota's several ranch hands, and she really, really likes ducks.
09-07-2021 digital Pallas Reference: Pallas seen wearing somewhat casual wear for once, although the fabric is probably something extremely rare and artisan, because she can never be caught looking too casual.
09-06-2021 digital Raymond 2 PFP: Y'know, the one I currently use in most places as of 2024
09-02-2021 digital Sleipnir Doodles: Fun fact Sleipnir was a guy when I first designed her because her personality was modeled after uncle farmer dad ben from the urban rescue ranch - still is, but she's a girl now - trans rights!!
09-02-2021 digital Mother and Son: Also related to the rp that I mentioned above - Paris Ampsoker with his mother Cameron - general word of advice: don't mess with Paris unless you want to poke mama bear.
08-26-2021 digital Beauregard Sketch: Practice sketch for the model of tank designed with Adrik in mind
08-20-2021 digital Trade With Death: A WIP that I never really got to finish, representing Prescott offering his own life in exchange for the 12 that he saved in the battle of Medyn.


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