Art Pieces of 2021

All images are clickable to show full res versions, and some images lead to links that have multiple pictures!

Uhhhh deeply sorry that there's no search bar, but Ctrl + F is right there, good luck buddy

piece title date medium caption
02-14-2021 digital Miko and Genesis In Drawpile: Doodling with buddies - decided to draw these guys for the hell of it
02-01-2021 traditional M00 Roosevelt Reference: An American WWIII MBT; the most prominent character I've drawn of this model is Paris's mother, Cameron.
01-29-2021 traditional and digital sketch M00 Roosevelt Turret Sketches: getting the hang of drawing the turret before committing to a full sketch. Also fun fact, M00's are often endearingly referred to as cows or heifers, as a result of their model name and most common camo pattern.
01-26-2021 traditional [REVISED]Espen Sketch: Yeah he looks more like an E-20 now, was a little too round-faced in this form for how I interpreted him
01-21-2021 traditional Loon and I: I think it's pretty well known at this point that I like drawing myself lounging around with my characters - Loon's turn!
01-13-2021 traditional Tank Turret Concept: One of the scrapped design ideas for the M00, wasn't feeling this particular design
01-04-2021 traditional [NONCANON]Paris and Miko Meeting: This is from another RP scenario - they were just elated to find a fellow Livastian in one another after they showed up to some alternate universe


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