Art Pieces of 2022

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piece title date medium caption
08-30-2022 traditional Apollo Sketch: My boy my feral son yes
08-28-2022 traditional Nikita Reference: I hate making comprehensive reference sheets so if I make a fully rendered piece of a character it's their reference ok - I think this is actually only the second time I'd made a nice piece of Nikita with this most updated design.
08-26-2022 traditional Beauregard Girl: I love giving MAI freckles sometimes it's extremely cute to me
08-25-2022 traditional Shannon Say Sike RN: bro are you /srs or /j
08-25-2022 traditional Raymond 2 Sketch, Lazarus, and Shannon: It'd been a hot second since I drew them so it needed to be done, Lazarus in some snazzy formalwear, and Shannon sitting on a very intricately designed pedestal because she would do that
08-23-2022 traditional Russian Tank Concept and Lazarus: I design that I commed from DA of a yet unnamed WWIII model of Russian Tank, and a Lazarus design from a sort of self-indulgent AU about a robot heaven
08-23-2022 traditional Adrik Bookmark: The first time I finally draw Adrik with his updated design, and it's a bookmark oooops - this is actually a trace because the first one got destroyed by my paper laminator ]:
08-17-2022 traditional Work Doodles: Paris, Graffi, and some random Beauregard MAI - it can't be Adrik, they're too cheery
08-16-2022 traditional Russian Tank MAI Proof of Concept: sketch I made while I was getting that one design commission to make sure that I liked it lmao
08-14-2022 digital Beauregard Girl: Cute girl that picks you up and protects you from boy drama ok
08-12-2022 traditional Lazarus Ceremonial Garb: Lazarus really kills it in these kinds of loose dressy fits, am I right or am I right
08-12-2022 traditional Lazarus and Motorcycle LAI: Sketchier version of the lazarus above, along with some other doodles
08-08-2022 traditional Aristophanes: Ari is able to carry every grocery bag inside at the same time all for his beautiful wife
08-05-2022 traditional Optic Internal Diagram: The most up to date as of early 2024) internal diagram of an MAI's dominant optic.
08-03-2022 traditional Shannon Holding Chessie: Don't mind the fact that she has opposable thumbs, using the jaw is way faster - also Chessie is an oc that belongs to my friend HalWithAHat
08-03-2022 traditional Various Livastia Sketches Again: Multiple livastian characters, and a few not, actually - do not mind the fucked up plane creatures they are not canon to this setting ok
08-01-2022 traditional Various Livastians: This was during job orientation can you tell I was so bored - Featuring Kelly in a funky carpenter's apron, and GOD being really peeved about. something. that lightbulb?
07-30-2022 digital T-99-125B Refs: Some various reference sketches for the Livastian WWIII MBT
07-20-2022 traditional Work Notebook Sketches: rare appearaces from Andrew, Shannon's work partner, and Nikolai, some spaceship guy that actually exists a few hundred years outside of Livastia present day. He's time traveling by to say hello to his ancestors. Additionaly, Paris thumbs up!
07-07-2022 digital Otto Reference Piece: Otto one of my favorite sons - he has weighted blanket for his anxiousness, but it exits his hull so seldom that few even know that he does
06-25-2022 digital Kelly and Loon: Pride month so I of course had to draw these two together. being gay married, and all.
06-23-2022 digital Wildcard and Service Androids: my one-off guy Wildcard, standing beside two much more common varieties of Livastian Android: the middle one is often encountered in the public transit sector, while the other is predisposed to human care and protective services. They're both class A intelligences, but certain hardwired aptitudes make them inclined to pick certain career paths.


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