Art Pieces of 2022

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piece title date medium caption
06-23-2022 digital Wildcard and Service Androids: my one-off guy Wildcard, standing beside two much more common varieties of Livastian Android: the right one is often encountered in the public transit sector, while the middle is predisposed to human care and protective services. They're both class A intelligences, but certain hardwired aptitudes make them inclined to pick certain career paths.
06-22-2022 digital Lazarus Banner Concept: scrapped (maybe) banner that I was going to make for Lazarus's article on World Anvil
06-20-2022 digital Kelly Hug: an of course self-indulgent doodle of me hugging my beautiful and most kindest and sweetest and favoritest son Kelly - also this makes for a cute reference on how you'd hug an aircraft MAI
06-16-2022 digital Aristophanes Banner: Banner piece I made for Ari for his World Anvil page
06-15-2022 digital Livastia General World Banner: Real banner hours as you can see, a generic piece that I could use for any World Anvil Article that I didn't make a dedicated piece for
06-07-2022 traditional Strawberry Lesbians: this one isn't perfect, but it's still adorable ok - they're wearing matching patterns
05-27-2022 digital Miko Segal Reference: AT LAST, UPDATED MIKO DRAWING it'd been a long time since I did a fullbody colored piece of her
05-25-2022 traditional Lazarus Drawing: He's so fruity in this pic I love it
05-19-2022 traditional Liberation Era Tank Girl: A popular post-war style of hull paint that mimics brightly colored things found in nature like birds and bugs.
05-06-2022 digital Russian AFV Girl: Somehow I haven't named this model of WWIII AFV yet, despite it being Nikita's model as well - but yeah just a cute gal with some summer vibes yes yes
05-05-2022 digital Meme Redraws: featuring Aristophanes, Shannon, and Paris!
04-04-2022 digital Field Ghost: was thinking about sad shith this day apparently - this is a piece of a human visiting a long since passed field ghost, which is a deceased MAI that was left in the place where it died. Over the decades, it has developed into a tradition to visit and spend time with these vessels like one might visit a human grave to offer them company and respects.
03-18-2022 traditional Kellydragon: Kellydragon? KELLYDRAGON!
03-15-2022 traditional Ehsi Reading about EHSI: Yes this is where his name comes from. It's kinda like a human guy being named internal compass, or something, LMAO
03-10-2022 digital Ehsi and Kelly Doodles: practice doodles for when I was planning out the art for the Eagle Pit drawing - yes it took me that long to complete it.
02-17-2022 digital Take Me Down to the River Bend: believe it or not this is another concept piece from that scrapped Castle of Glass animatic. I had it on my mind for a while.
02-12-2022 digital Feral Beauregard Making Snowman: I actually still quite like this piece, in part because it made evident something kinda funny to me. To me, this MAI looks relaxed and inquistive - just a little socially awkward - but many people unfamiliar with MAI saw this piece and said that his expression and body language made him come off as somewhat aggressive. Interesting, and honestly probably accurate to how people in-world would react to the resting expressions of MAI if they were unfamiliar!
02-08-2022 digital Lazarus and Self Piece: Doodle of me with one of my beautiful sons, look at him - he's such a handsome boy
01-25-2022 digital Sleipnir Concept: concept I had for an avatar that I didn't get very far with - but I still like the idea of a many-legged avatar so I might come back to this hmmm
01-19-2022 traditional Lazarus Banner Concept: can you tell that I had many many ideas for an article banner for him - I had it on the backburner for so long because I couldn't decide what I wanted to do oops


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