Art Pieces of 202X

All images are clickable to show full res versions, and some images lead to links that have multiple pictures!

Uhhhh deeply sorry that there's no search bar, but Ctrl + F is right there, good luck buddy

also oops lmao this is a kinda short page

piece title date medium caption
01-15-2022 digital Wildcard Pesters P03: yes this is inscryption fanart - I think one of my highest honors of fanart is drawing my ocs annoying or getting annoyed by the other media characters LMAO
01-14-2022 digital Little Car Concept: a little guy. a little man. I think cars in Livastia would be small little guys because cars mostly get phased out in favor of high quality public transit and unpowered forms of locomotion like bikes. Cars still exist for utility and as LAI, however.
01-02-2022 traditional Wildcard Sketches: the (re)-debut of Alexander as a proper Livastian! With a tweaked design that made him a little more visually up to date and in tune with the setting.


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