Art Pieces of 2022

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image date medium caption
12-31-2022 digital Unicorn Avatar Sketch: not ascribed to any established oc at the moment, just a design that I came up with and am particularly fond of.
12-22-2022 digital Pogo Foyer and MSB Plushie: RARE POGO MENTION - she's been an OC for a while but I hardly draw her anymore for some reason - I was thinking about some of the show that have made me Like This, and MSB is absolutely one of them. In homage, I honestly think that a lot of MAI and LAI would find those old cartoon shows that feature sentient vehicles to be quite cute and endearing. "Look how optimistic some people were about things like us!"
12-11-2022 traditional Notebook Tank and Jet: First one is just some tank that's really happy to be enjoying the great outdoors. presumably with some human buddies - and the Jet is sketched with a concept for a work apron that prevents FOD from drifting into their intakes. Sucks to deal with FOD, whether your engines are on or not!
12-11-2022 traditional House Sprites Ft. Graffi: I was drawing a lot this day I guess, just a ton of various random house sprite drawings
12-11-2022 traditional Scrapped Animatic Sketch Concept: At one point I was contemplating making a rough animatic of Castle of Glass about WWIII, but I never really got serious about it so it's shelved for the forseeable future. This would have been a scene from the final main chorus.
11-27-2022 traditional M-60 Boy: Sketch inspired by a book I have about tanks - I wanted to try and make a trend of drawing tanks out of it, but I only did this fella oops LMAO
10-24-2022 traditional sketch, digital color Halloween 2022: A quick, lighthearted sketch I made for the halloween season, some friends being jackasses, guys being dudes y'know what it is what it is.
10-23-2022 digital Sleepy Softbody Jet: What else do I need to say - oh yeah plane beds are a thing - they rest their nose on it, retract their landing gear, then slide the rest of the way onto it.
10-22-2022 digital Lazarus Sketch: Rough sketch of the big man, I just needed to draw him
10-13-2022 traditional Plane Kis: I drew this at work also - how risky
10-09-2022 Traditional Annual Maintenance: Drawing displaying a glance at the inner workings of a Millitary Restoration Facility
10-06-2022 traditional Work Kelly: Kelly sketch - at work!
10-05-2022 traditional Jet Guy Sketch: He's just a guy, a reall fella - I didn't use a reference here but he's suspiciously F-15 shaped
09-22-2022 traditional Ferrence Ranch Shenanigans: Ranch hands at Dakota's ranch getting up to some bullshit - the fellas in the middle, Sleipnir and Cooper, really like ducks ok
09-20-2022 Traditional Short Story Banner: A piece I created for the puspose of being a generic banner for any of the short stories I write and publish on World Anvil
09-11-2022 traditional sketch, digital color Ari and Mhina: I'd been meaning to draw Aristophanes and his wife Mhina together for a while, and this is the first time I'd done so
09-08-2022 traditional Within My Own Accord: Banner for a particularly hard-hitting short story that I wrote by the same name.
09-07-2022 traditional AA MAI Sketch: did't really take this one seriously, and it actually ended up becoming the Dallarosa railgun MAI later on.
09-02-2022 traditional Mhina Freling Sketches: I like women.
08-30-2022 traditional Emcee: Someone made me think about Emcee for the first time in a while so I was of course compelled to draw him


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